Sunday, August 28, 2005

I lost some IQ this weekend

I was just talking to Mat Love. My pathetic counter reads 20 and I hypothesized Visco boy and Mat visiting my site 5 times each in the last week out of pity and the rest of the 10 was probably from me updating it.

I am so glad to have spent my weekend in Orange County and not Puerto Rico. However, my clandestine operations in the OC will be coming to an end and I will be joining my fellow agents in the caribbean soon.

The agency has taught me to communicate my thoughts in a succinct manner; something quite difficult for me as I tend to beat the bush around quite a bit. I was taught to always communicate my thoughts in 3 points. Let me try...

I did the following this weekend:

  • Studied for GMAT
  • Went to Huntington Beach
  • Played soccer at USC

Note how each point starts with a verb or an actionable item. But let's screw all that and allow me to just say what I really wanna say.

That's my lap top bag that I recently purchased. I spent an hour during the weekend sewing the Ducati patch on my bag, changing it's identity from Gap to Ducati. Welcome Decepticon..In the process, I broke 2 needles and donated some blood to my rug.

So I headed down to Huntington beach as usual with Scorpian King (Scorp-K). Some background about S-K.

Right, picture of S-K (he is taken ladies..sorry, tough life,deal with it).

Known him since JC times

  • Met him in Orange County
  • Hang out with him during the weekends

S-K is quite new to the continent but he has experienced so much over the past year that its not funny. I told him to start a blog too so he can detail all his eventful past. You should listen to him say "wah-ter", macham ang moh sial.

Huntington beach is a surfers' mecca and probably the top surfing location in North America. White fine sand, coasts that extends for miles, strong waves; it sure attracts a lot of people. Coincidentally I live 10 mins from the beach. Parking costs a bomb, for a good reason. I have exhausted all my quarters now.

Aerial view of HB (courtesy of U.S. Gov.) You can probably see my place there.

The people in HB are also very different from the people you see at Newport. Newport tends to attract good-looking, young, yuppie people doing fashion parade on the walks. HB is more for people who want to have fun in the water...and that's me.

I brought my $10 Boogie board I bought from Target for body boarding. The board almost broke into two this trip as the waves were potent. I probably might invest in a better board depending on how good I am getting on with this. It was just amazing as the waves were only about 4-ft but its enough to tear you apart. They just keep coming at you and its very difficult to swim seaward so you can ride the waves back.

There were times when I was wiped out totally and got pushed hard into the ground and twirled around on the sea bed like a ragdoll. I was gasping for air and water went up my nose, mouth, ears, eyes, and... Once, the board caught the waves and smacked my head so hard that I was disillusioned for a minute. It is also pertinent to note which life guard post you leave your stuff as the waves also push you diagonally. Not uncommon to end up 200 feet laterally away in just a span of 15 mins in the water. My body felt like I was beaten up by some thugs that night.

The rest of the weekend I took some practice GMAT exams; exciting aint it? I played some soccer with Mams (short form for Mama) at USC. There are a bunch of Singaporeans I play with on the weekends. Today a moron "rambard" (blasted) the ball straight into my face from 6 feet away that I swear my brain must have rotated a little inside my skull. My head was spinning for a minute and I heard voices in my head. I still feel it now. Between the board smacking into my head at HB and the ball smashing into my head at USC, there is no secret why I am not doing well on my GMAT practice exams.

I am so looking forward to work tomorrow...

-Agent black-


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