Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A strange land

Though the jungles of Brunei have honed my navigational skills, I decided to opt for a car with GPS in order to reach my hotel earlier without an unintentional tour of PR. More importantly, to avoid getting in a predicament of being physically pleasured in an unknown land by a bunch of Puerto Ricans drunk on Bacardi rum.

I realised it was quite easy to to detect cops: the emergency vehicles here including cop-cars have their flashing lights on at all times and only when they have their sirens does it signify true emergency. I was perplexed to see a cop car parked on the side of the road with his flashing lights on looking for speed violators. I guess when you get used to these lights, you grow oblivious to them.

It took me 3 hours to get to my hotel. Kinda pissed as it seems like I am the only one on the team who would be here this weekend. I was strongly advised to stay at the Ritz in San Juan during the weekends. I might just do that and tour the city center with the little Spanish I learnt. I know "Pollo" is chicken and "Salidas" is exit and "Policia" is police. At this rate, I would have learned 30 words by the end of this trip.


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