Friday, August 03, 2007

A Marine Mischief

Today I was at JFK taking a flight back to LAX . I was at the lounge working on my laptop and watching cnn by the corner of my eye. A bizarre story was reported that a strange submarine was spotted besides Queen Mary.

On a very random topic (totally unrelated)...

The Turtle was made by David Bushnel, 1776 (USA). The Turtle attempted to attach its 150 lb gunpowder charge to the British flagship the Eagle, but failed.

I bet someone from the institute must be behind this.

P.S. OK; I lost the bet; there are many others outside the instituition who are equally loons..


NEW YORK — In a bizarre case of "marine mischief," a Brooklyn artist manning a replica Revolutionary War submarine caused a scare Friday morning after police found the strange-looking vessel foundering in a security zone near the docked Queen Mary 2, authorities said.

The handmade wood and fiberglass vessel, at the end of a tow rope tied to an inflatable boat, was spotted by police near the luxury ocean liner docked at the cruise ship terminal in the Buttermilk Channel off Red Hook in Brooklyn.

"It was a strange sight," said Coast Guard Petty Officer Angelia Rorison.

Police held the artist, Philip "Duke" Riley, and two other men, both from Rhode Island, for questioning. But there was no indication the trio meant any harm with the replica of the 1776 "Turtle submarine."

One of the Rhode Island men claimed he was descendant of David Bushnell, the inventor of the original one-man vessel that inspired the replica, police said.

The makeshift sub "is the creative craft of three adventuresome individuals," Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said in a statement. "It does not pose any terrorist threat. ... We can best summarize today's incident as marine mischief."


Blogger Gokz said...

I was shocked to hear the news of the collapse of the bridge over the Mississippi river...

What's more shocking is that authorities knew earlier that the bridge had structural problems.

Extracted from one of the reports..."Officials had warned as early as 1990 that the bridge, which bears more than 100,000 vehicles a day, had serious structural problems.

The American Society of Civil Engineers warned in a report two years ago that between 2000 and 2003, more than 27 percent of the nation's almost 600,000 bridges were rated as structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. "

Did we have to wait for a tragedy before getting into action.. Talk about not rocking the boat. But then again, maybe the bridge was reinforced after all the reports and this is geniunely a unforeseen tragedy... :(

10:45 PM  
Blogger BlackMamba said...

The issue is the government is spending a lot of its budget on the war and has lost focus in fixing and maintaining its own domestic assets.

8:36 AM  

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