Saturday, November 12, 2005


Okie since some of my mofo friends love talking my head and hair when I was innocently talking about my headphones, I shall appease them with more knowledge on the topic.

Male pattern balding (MPB), which I guess what I am beginning to have is a natural process with guys..especially macho guys with high levels of testosterones. The correct testosterone will be DHT which is dihydroxytestosterone, a metabolite of testosterone. Eunuchs (pansies with no balls, literally..maybe Joule?), who have low levels of testosterones, do not lose scalp hair. In addition, men with a genetic defiency of 5alphareductase (enzyme that converts testestorone to DHT) also do not suffer...

There are some medications out there like Propecia or Finasteride which s a competitive inhibitor of that 5alphareductase and thus lower the DHT levels.

Up to 2/3 of guys experience MPB. I never thought I might be balding because my parents have full set of hair. It occured to me one day 4 years ago when I remembered my maternal grandfather was bald. He lived and died in India (bless his soul) so I did not spend much time with him. Thus, I was quite oblivious to the fact. On deeper recollection, my maternal uncle in India is also balding...hmmm....god dammit..F$%K! I just resigned to the fact that I have high testosterones and I refuse to take those medications that will punish my precious nads.

Anyhow I enjoy having my hair short anyway. If really my baldness becomes bad...i will spot a bruce willis hairstyle or rather the lack of it.
According to this chart..I am probably in the early stages. All I could say is I better enjoy my life more before I have that whole in the middle of my head!


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