Saturday, October 15, 2005

Bringing down the pants and the house

I did not play a single hand at the Casino. I was observing the tables and I got reminded how the odds are so grossly tilted in favor of the house unless I had the coveted ability to count cards. I walked around San Juan and got back to my room tired.

Back in the Instituition, there was this girl who worked in a lab adjacent to mine. It took me a couple of months to realise that she was a girl as I initially thought she was a a guy..she was very tall, extremely lanky and had really short hair..anyhow...among her other impressive achievements, she caught Agent C from my lab sitting on the potty totally naked!!!!

Agent C was training for the marathon then and came back to the lab all wet from sweating. We have only two cubicles on our floor, one for female and one for male. Often times we end up using the female toilet if the male one is used as there are only like 3 girls and 40 guys on our floor. I remember I was using the male that faithful day. I heard someone go into the female toilet as the door opened and closed but did not hear any locking noise. Agent C proceeded to the female and removed all his clothings to cool down and forgotten to lock the door. Just at that moment, the girl on the floor opened the door and caught him in his vulnerable position.

We later found out from the graduate adminstrator that the particular girl was one of the crew members who was part of the famous MIT card counting team that worked in teams to defeat the casinos of their money with their superior card counting mathematical abilities. You can read about their acheivements in the book "bringing down the house".

Anyhow, she was able to decipher the codes well and bring down Agent C's pants...hahaahaha


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