Sunday, October 02, 2005

Escape from the instuition part II

I got up early this morning to work on my GMAT. I'm back in Puerto Rico after spending two night in Boston.

Nostalgic; the buildings were there, the weather was there, everything looked familiar except for a starking difference..the people I knew and had a great time with were absent. Thank god Visco-boy, MatLove and his gal and a bunch of other Singaporean jokers were there.

The first thing I got to Cambridge, I looked for Visco-boy's red junk bike so I could kick it to the ground and outline it with chalk to signify its impending demise but I couldn't find the bike. Visco-boy must have known I was coming.

I went to see my professor and had a good chat. He is such a true gentleman as always. He brought me down to the lab to show me generation II of my machine. The appendix of the machine, a heat-exchanger that pumps 45 gallons / min of mineral oil fluid for heating and cooling is about 5X5X6' !!! Apparently that thing leaks oil and causes mist that stinks up the entire floor. Not surprised, my lab is known for causing health damages for the last 20 years probably.

I called matlove to know i landed. On my way the non-newtonian fluids lab to see ....tah-dah..100+boy (visco-boy), I met Giorgia. I warned her that I was on my way to torture the pigs. Visco-boy looked as gay as ever with his two pigs. I was so happy to see him man; brought back my best memories for the time I spent at the instituition. I played with all the contraptions he had..from his 911 turbo car to the pigs-torturing shafts. The pigs were naturally hiding on the other side of 100-plus boys desk, conditioned to stay away from the ogre.

After the info-session, I met Mat-love, his gal, visco-boy, Cyborg and some new cool Singaporean students for Mar-lah. After which we went to Mat-loves pad. I realise the tolerence on the driveway to his parking lot is about 4 inches bigger than his car. So if you drive probably 5 degrees off tangent, your paint job will be on the brick wall. Mat-love as usual had a bunch of tech gizmos he bought from craigslist and ebay. He never fails to entertain me with them.

Next day I met Sexy-A in the morning and he brought me to the lab again and he chatted for a while. I had to be back at Au Bon Pain for the info session. I met up with Sexy-A again, his fiancee, and his really cool in-laws for dinner at my fave thai place in porter square. We had some great fun chatting over dinner and had ice-cream at his new place. His new place is awesome; he has the whole house himself and his fiancee. It was great catching up with him and his new family.

I had to leave as it was time for SOCCER!!!! Sexy-A drove me in his amazing car. Sexy-A is one true genius; he hooked up a computer in his car and even fabricated all the housing, the buttons, the hot-keys, programmed an OS and a touch screen 6" (i think) LCD monitor. It plays MP3, DVD, has awesome GPS, capability to connect to internet and porn (Sexy-A's favorite past time) while you drive!!!

Soccer was great. Visco-boy organized it and we had to sneak to get into the mac-court. The last time I was in the mac-court was during my graduation. I was surprised to see almost 9 aside; we never had so many people playing for a while. Visco-boy as usual played defense and I played against him for a while. Mat-love played an awesome goalie and Ali, our senegal import was also there. Visco-boy caught me failing in my attempt to do a rain-bow (flick the ball wedging it with your back heel ) but i pretended that I tripped over the ball. It was great fun..!!!

We proceeded back to Sidney-pac like the good old days and tried the rum I brought. As usual, we chatted about everything under the sun and finished half the bottle. I got back to my hotel and set the alarm for early morning to meet Visco for breakfast. Mat-love couldnt make it.

I also met up with Adam for my second breakfast before heading back to Puerto Rico..

I left instuition reminding myself of all the crazy things we did...all the crazy things we did in the lab with Sexy-A and Alaskan Sausage, walking back from back-bay in boston half-drunk, drinking bottles of wine during the weekdays while we do our homework (some of my tutorial had wine stains). Playing soccer, eating mah-lar, cooking curry, playing pictionary, and torturing kwang with anal-pears, etc.

Would love to have Mat-love, his gal, Visco-boy, Sexy-A, etc. visit me in the OC. Meantime, I am planning to go back again so I can perfect my rainbow during soccer....hehe...


Blogger Najib Wong said...

Yo Mat Rider 007,

This weekend damn power sial. Me and my gal will definitely try to go covert in OC.

8:40 PM  
Blogger BlackMamba said...

Damn right..get your bottoms to OC for some surfing and chilling.

6:38 AM  

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