Monday, January 29, 2007

Dough-nut surprise

I had to get up at 5am as usual to catch my flight to Kansas. As I was sipping my morning tea in the cabin reading my favorite Technology Review magazine (courtesy of the Institution), I almost spilled the hot beverage over my lap when I recognized the sinister smile from a picture of a peculiar character ....

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Lucky guess

I KNEW IT! ~4.5% on a single day!!

"Jan. 23 (Bloomberg) -- Crude oil surged the most since hurricanes devastated the Gulf of Mexico coast in September 2005 after the U.S. said it will double the size of the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
The reserve will increase from its current capacity of 727 million barrels of oil to 1.5 billion barrels over the next two decades, Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said today. Bodman said the U.S. will start buying 100,000 barrels of oil a day this spring to expand the stockpile. Prices rose earlier because cooler U.S. weather will increase fuel use."


Nymex Crude Future54.902.324.4116:38
Dated Brent Spot55.042.334.4215:04
WTI Cushing Spot54.022.915.6916:02

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Good time to buy a barrel?

Good time to buy now? I'm thinking about the same too. It might slide further down but it should be golden within the next 1-2 years for sure. Don't quote me please.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Mom's treasure box

Took a picture of some of my mom's property in the kitchen; cornerstone of Indian cooking. I don't even know the name of the one at 10-11pm position.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

All good things must come to an end

That's the title of the Nelly Furtado song I like which she sang with Chris Martin from Coldplay. However, I am also talking about the abrupt end of my blissful vacation in Singapore. The first week of my vacation was greeted with torrential downpours, perennial monsoon weather for the region except monsoons were not very frequent in the last 10 years. The weather in the second week was just amazing; I went to pierce reservoir a few times to make the best of it.

I am sitting in the admiral's club in Tokyo airport waiting for my connection to Dallas. I will post some pics of my trip when i get the time.